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Where Can You Find Third Grade Georgia Standards

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Skills available for Georgia third-grade language arts standards

IXL's third-grade skills will be aligned to the Standards of Excellence soon! Until then, you can view a complete list of third-grade standards below.

Standards are in black and IXL language arts skills are in dark green. Hold your mouse over the name of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the name of a skill to practice that skill.

L Language

  • Conventions of Standard English

    • ELAGSE3L1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

      • ELAGSE3L1a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.

        • Which word is a noun? ( 3-PP.1 )
        • Identify nouns ( 3-PP.2 )
        • Identify nouns – with abstract nouns ( 3-PP.3 )
        • Identify common and proper nouns ( 3-PP.4 )
        • Identify personal pronouns ( 3-QQ.1 )
        • Identify possessive pronouns ( 3-QQ.5 )
        • Identify action verbs ( 3-RR.2 )
        • Identify main verbs and helping verbs ( 3-RR.3 )
        • Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? ( 3-VV.1 )
        • Identify the adjective that describes the noun ( 3-VV.2 )
        • Identify adjectives ( 3-VV.3 )
        • Does the adverb tell you how, when, or where? ( 3-VV.4 )
        • Identify adverbs ( 3-VV.5 )
      • ELAGSE3L1b Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns.

        • Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.5 )
        • Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.6 )
        • Form and use irregular plurals ( 3-PP.8 )
      • ELAGSE3L1c Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).

        • Identify nouns – with abstract nouns ( 3-PP.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L1d Form and use regular and irregular verbs.

        • Use action verbs ( 3-RR.1 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1 ( 3-TT.6 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2 ( 3-TT.7 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3 ( 3-TT.8 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4 ( 3-TT.9 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 5 ( 3-TT.10 )
        • To be: use the correct form ( 3-TT.11 )
        • To have: use the correct form ( 3-TT.12 )
      • ELAGSE3L1e Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

        • Form and use the regular past tense ( 3-TT.3 )
        • Is the sentence in the past, present, or future tense? ( 3-TT.13 )
        • Change the sentence to future tense ( 3-TT.14 )
      • ELAGSE3L1f Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.

        • Replace the noun with a personal pronoun ( 3-QQ.3 )
        • Is the subject singular or plural? ( 3-SS.1 )
        • Use the correct subject or verb ( 3-SS.2 )
        • Pronoun-verb agreement ( 3-SS.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L1g Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.

        • Choose between adjectives and adverbs ( 3-VV.6 )
        • Use adjectives to compare ( 3-VV.8 )
        • Spell adjectives that compare ( 3-VV.9 )
        • Use adverbs to compare ( 3-VV.10 )
      • ELAGSE3L1h Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

        • Use coordinating conjunctions ( 3-Y.3 )
        • Use subordinating conjunctions ( 3-Y.4 )
        • Identify coordinating conjunctions ( 3-XX.1 )
        • Identify subordinating conjunctions ( 3-XX.2 )
      • ELAGSE3L1i Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.

        • Create varied sentences based on models ( 3-BB.3 )
        • Identify the complete subject of a sentence ( 3-OO.2 )
        • Identify the complete predicate of a sentence ( 3-OO.3 )
        • Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? ( 3-OO.5 )
        • Is it a complete sentence or a run-on? ( 3-OO.6 )
        • Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on? ( 3-OO.7 )
        • Create compound sentences ( 3-OO.9 )
        • Order the words to create a sentence ( 3-OO.10 )
      • ELAGSE3L1j Write legibly in cursive.

    • ELAGSE3L2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

      • ELAGSE3L2a Capitalize appropriate words in titles.

        • Capitalizing titles ( 3-CCC.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L2b Use commas in addresses.

        • Commas with the names of places ( 3-ZZ.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L2c Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.

        • Punctuating dialogue ( 3-CCC.6 )
      • ELAGSE3L2d Form and use possessives.

        • Form the singular or plural possessive ( 3-PP.10 )
      • ELAGSE3L2e Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).

        • Word pattern analogies ( 3-DD.11 )
        • Word pattern sentences ( 3-DD.12 )
        • Homophones with pictures ( 3-II.1 )
        • Use the correct homophone ( 3-II.3 )
        • Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.5 )
        • Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.6 )
        • Form and use irregular plurals ( 3-PP.8 )
        • Form and use the regular past tense ( 3-TT.3 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1 ( 3-TT.6 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2 ( 3-TT.7 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3 ( 3-TT.8 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4 ( 3-TT.9 )
        • Form and use the irregular past tense: set 5 ( 3-TT.10 )
        • Spell adjectives that compare ( 3-VV.9 )
        • Pronoun-verb contractions ( 3-YY.1 )
        • Contractions with "not" ( 3-YY.2 )
      • ELAGSE3L2f Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

        • Word pattern analogies ( 3-DD.11 )
        • Word pattern sentences ( 3-DD.12 )
        • Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.5 )
        • Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.6 )
        • Form and use the regular past tense ( 3-TT.3 )
        • Spell adjectives that compare ( 3-VV.9 )
        • Pronoun-verb contractions ( 3-YY.1 )
        • Contractions with "not" ( 3-YY.2 )
      • ELAGSE3L2g Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.

        • Use guide words ( 3-NN.5 )
  • Knowledge of Language

    • ELAGSE3L3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

      • ELAGSE3L3a Choose words and phrases for effect.

        • Sort sensory details ( 3-J.1 )
        • Show character emotions and traits ( 3-AA.2 )
        • Choose the synonym ( 3-HH.1 )
        • Choose the antonym ( 3-HH.4 )
        • Shades of meaning with pictures ( 3-KK.1 )
        • Describe the difference between related words ( 3-KK.2 )
        • Positive and negative connotation ( 3-KK.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L3b Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written Standard English.

  • Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

    • ELAGSE3L4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

      • ELAGSE3L4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

        • Similes with pictures ( 3-K.1 )
        • Determine the meanings of similes ( 3-K.2 )
        • Read about animals ( 3-T.1 )
        • Read about food ( 3-T.2 )
        • Read about art, music, and traditions ( 3-T.3 )
        • Read about sports and hobbies ( 3-T.4 )
        • Find synonyms in context ( 3-HH.3 )
        • Find antonyms in context ( 3-HH.6 )
        • Which definition matches the sentence? ( 3-JJ.2 )
        • Which sentence matches the definition? ( 3-JJ.3 )
        • Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic expression ( 3-LL.1 )
        • Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( 3-MM.1 )
        • Use context to identify the meaning of a word ( 3-MM.2 )
        • Use academic vocabulary in context ( 3-MM.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L4b Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless, heat/preheat).

        • Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, or mis- ( 3-DD.2 )
        • Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- ( 3-DD.3 )
        • Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less ( 3-DD.4 )
        • Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness ( 3-DD.5 )
        • Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment ( 3-DD.6 )
        • Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review ( 3-DD.7 )
        • Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review ( 3-DD.8 )
        • Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning ( 3-DD.9 )
      • ELAGSE3L4c Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion).

        • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words ( 3-EE.1 )
        • Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 3-EE.2 )
        • Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( 3-EE.3 )
      • ELAGSE3L4d Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

        • Use guide words ( 3-NN.5 )
        • Use dictionary entries ( 3-NN.6 )
        • Use dictionary definitions ( 3-NN.7 )
    • ELAGSE3L5 With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

      • ELAGSE3L5a Distinguish the literal and non-literal meanings of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps).

        • Similes with pictures ( 3-K.1 )
        • Determine the meanings of similes ( 3-K.2 )
        • Read poetry ( 3-S.4 )
        • Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic expression ( 3-LL.1 )
      • ELAGSE3L5b Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful).

        • Use actions and dialogue to understand characters ( 3-M.2 )
        • Show character emotions and traits ( 3-AA.2 )
        • Shades of meaning with pictures ( 3-KK.1 )
        • Describe the difference between related words ( 3-KK.2 )
        • Use academic vocabulary in context ( 3-MM.3 )
        • Use action verbs ( 3-RR.1 )
        • Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? ( 3-VV.1 )
      • ELAGSE3L5c Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind or degrees of certainty (e.g., knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered).

        • Shades of meaning with pictures ( 3-KK.1 )
        • Describe the difference between related words ( 3-KK.2 )
        • Positive and negative connotation ( 3-KK.3 )
    • ELAGSE3L6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific vocabulary, including words and phrases that signal spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).

      • Sort sensory details ( 3-J.1 )
      • Identify time-order words ( 3-Y.1 )
      • Use subordinating conjunctions ( 3-Y.4 )
      • Shades of meaning with pictures ( 3-KK.1 )
      • Positive and negative connotation ( 3-KK.3 )
      • Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( 3-MM.1 )
      • Use context to identify the meaning of a word ( 3-MM.2 )
      • Use academic vocabulary in context ( 3-MM.3 )
      • Identify prepositions ( 3-WW.1 )

Where Can You Find Third Grade Georgia Standards
